Life after Death

I have no memory of Sunday, May 21, 2017, and I’m lucky to be alive. Similar to other Sundays during the spring, I was playing softball in the Chesapeake and Potomac Softball (CAPS) league at Watkins Regional Park in Maryland. I drove to the fields at 09:30, stopping at 7-11 for water and a… Read More

Lost my big sister

Last Monday, April 23 2018, my sister died from cardiac arrest. She was 65. My 20 yr old son heard her fall and found her on the floor by the washer and dryer. She didn't respond and was not breathing. He immediately called 911. I was at work when he was finally able to get to me. He had his… Read More

Please vote in favor of PA Senate Bill 521

A Letter to Members of the Pennsylvania State Senate Re: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation support for PA SB 521 (Killion) Dear Senator, The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, a national nonprofit organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, fully supports Senate Bill 521, which calls for… Read More

My story

Hi there! My SCA was 4-14-2012. I don’t remember that day, but I can tell you what happened according to what I have been told. It was a normal Saturday, I was home with my kids, doing laundry and house work. About midday, I started to feel anxious and panicky, not unusual, I’d had panic attacks… Read More

Memory Loss

It has been seven years now and I still have some short term memory loss issues, is this normal, I was dead for 5 minutes and they had to hit me with the paddles 5 separate times before they got me back to a normal rhythm, I was taken to the hospital and put into a coma for 48 hours on one of those… Read More

Adding Youth to the Chain of Survival

What if your daughter went to school tomorrow and didn’t come home? She didn’t run away; she was not kidnapped. She collapsed. In Math Class. You get a call from her friend saying she fell out of her seat and was shaking on the floor, and now she is not moving, and not breathing. They called 911… Read More

Celebrate World Health Day: Help Raise Awareness About Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Join or support the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation team at the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community in Pittsburgh, PA on Saturday, May 12th. Today is World Health Day. You are invited to celebrate this global day of health awareness by supporting the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation team at… Read More


Hi All! As time has passed, I have become more and more convinced that having a personal household AED is a good idea. So I started looking to buy one, and the prices held me back. My question, then, is can used or at least reconditioned AED's be found for sale? If so, is it an OK idea to purchase… Read More

Spouse of Young Survivor

On August 1, 2014...My wife was just 36yrs old at the time of her Sudden Cardiac Death. Just five weeks earlier we welcomed home our third child. I was out of town for a new job and I encouraged her to load the kids up and head to her parents for help with the kids while I was away. She made it to… Read More

My story

I am a 63 year old divorced male. I still work full time and enjoy playing tennis regularly. On Tuesday evening 1 week ago, I was participating in my regular tennis group clinic, one hour of drills and then one hour of play. Near the end of the first hour, while in the middle of a volley drill, I… Read More