Posted on 10/25/2015
Ron and Linda Wonder

2015 Nominee – Ron Wonder
Survivor – Linda Wonder, Carroll, IA, 56 at time of event (February 18, 2015)
Location of event – Home

I nominate my husband Ron Wonder. I am a 56-year-old female and I had my sudden cardiac arrest on the morning of February 18, 2015 at my home. We have two bathrooms, but I decided to take a bath in his bathroom where he was getting ready for the day, a choice that saved my life. I got into the bathtub, relaxed and my heart stopped. It was that simple, no warning or symptoms. My husband was blow drying his hair and noticed I was in trouble. He got me out of the tub of water, not an easy feat as I was a slightly larger woman than I am now. He called 911 and he was walked through the process by the 911 dispatcher. He is proof you don't have feel helpless even when you don't know CPR.

His "save" didn't stop that day. He has been with me through the process of understanding what happened, as I do not remember the day of my SCA or three days after. He's helped me through cardiac rehab, nutrition changes and quiet moments when all you do is focus on how it could have turned out differently. Instead, he helps me focus on being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and grandma--not on what could have happened and what I would have missed. He drives me everywhere as my license is still suspended due to my SCA. He holds my hand when I'm dizzy from medications. He's supports me at my cardiology appointments. He joined an exercise center with me so I can exercise and feel safe. He assures me every day I'm going to be okay and that he is here for me. He not only saved my life on that day, but has every day since with his support, patience, and unquestionable love.  

Nominated by Linda Wonder
