Dear Friends,
During the past few years, the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation confirmed through scientific research that the often reversible death that kills more people than Alzheimers disease, diabetes, stroke, and suicides combined is not on the public’s radar. We are now building upon that research to help people recognize sudden cardiac arrest and take the simple steps that more than double survival.
We need your help to continue our research and turn new findings into public outreach that motivates action and saves lives. Our national 501(c)(3) organization was born 12 years ago from a shared conviction that tens of thousands of lives can be saved each year in the U.S. if more people understood the public health crisis of sudden cardiac arrest and the critical importance of immediate bystander intervention with CPR and automated external defibrillators (AEDs). We are finally at a tipping point.
A study by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine last year drove home the point that saving those thousands of lives is within our reach. The study also detailed our shared responsibility to act now. The report is a blueprint that is inspiring collaboration.
While the end of 2018 marks happy milestones for the many sudden cardiac arrest survivors and their families, it sadly is a time for painful questioning for families who lost a loved one. Unfortunately, about nine out of 10 people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest do not survive. Many die because the people who witness their collapse do not recognize the event as a cardiac arrest and they do not take simple actions to help.
We need your help. Your donation will allow us to expand our research on public awareness and messaging to develop a scientific basis for a national public awareness campaign.
We need your help. Your donation will allow us to continue to pursue our mission to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and develop and support programs that give "ordinary" people the power to save a life. We have created a comprehensive information clearinghouse on sudden cardiac arrest. Our website, is the world's most robust site focused exclusively on sudden cardiac arrest. Tens of thousands of unique users visit the site each month, with visitors coming from all over the U.S. and around the world. The website also serves as a virtual meeting place for the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences related to the prevention and treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.
We need your help. Your donation will allow us to continue to expand our SCA Network, an online community for survivors of sudden cardiac arrest and their families, people who have lost a loved one to sudden cardiac arrest, and other advocates. Today, thousands of individuals are part of this Network, where they can find support and opportunities to get involved in efforts to help save lives. With your help, we can expand the reach of this important community.
We need your help. Your donation will allow us to continue to distribute AEDs to schools, sports venues, and other public places where a lot of people gather. We know that when bystanders come upon someone suffering sudden cardiac arrest and they give CPR and use AEDs before the emergency medical team arrives, survival rates can double or triple.
We need your help. We want to help save more lives and your donation will help us to do so.
As we prepare to usher in the New Year, we remain committed to our mission, "Raising awareness, saving lives." Our work is simply not possible without your help. You can help us save more lives.
We ask that you support the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation by contributing at a level that is meaningful for you. To see our Giving Circle Levels and the many ways you can make a tax-deductible contribution, click here.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Henry Jampel, MD, Chair, Board of Directors, and Mary M. Newman, MS, President