Posted on 02/08/2010

Join the SCA Foundation Team at the Pittsburgh Marathon on May 2nd

PA--The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation will be participating as an
Affiliate Charity Partner at this year's DIck's Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon--the nation's third largest marathon--on May 2.

who join our team--and their personal motivation to raise awareness
about sudden cardiac arrest -- will be acknowledged on our website,
with permission.  If you would like to run in in memory of a loved one
lost to sudden cardiac arrest, or to honor the heroes who saved your
loved one's life, this could be the race of a lifetime. We welcome your testimonials
and photos.

Help us raise awareness about the leading cause of death in
America--a condition that affects more people each year than AIDS,
Alzheimers disease, assault with firearms, breast cancer, colon cancer,
prostate cancer, fires, motor vehicle accidents and suicide combined.
(SOURCE: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, 2009. Figures compiled from
the Centers for Disease Control and the American Heart Association.)

Registration fees are $250 per entrant for the marathon, half-marathon
and relay team. The registration deadline is March 31.

Can't be there? Why not support the cause by pledging $25 or more in support of one of the runners.

For more information, contact Jen Basett at or Ali Newman at, or call 724-934-0034.

Documents Size
Pittsburgh_Marathon_Flyer.pdf 1008.69 KB
