Posted by carguy on 11/09/2017

I am a CA survivor!

I was de-fibbed at the side of the road after a car crash by EMT's and air-lifted to a major hospital about 40 miles from the accident scene.

Eight months later at age 68 I have, Thanks be to God, fully recovered. After three months I returned to my job wherein I work about 55 hours a week I have a pacemaker/defib device installed in my chest but, to date, there have been zero recorded events of any kind. In spite of the open heart surgery and implant scars, my wife, family, co-workers and church brethren all agree that I look and perform as if nothing ever happened.

I feel great and enjoy being an inspiration, especially to those who are living with heath issues I have grown spiritually and believe I am calmer and more even-tempered than ever before.

Anecdotally, as a result of the hypothermia treatment, I have complete amnesia beginning about a week before the CA until the moment I awoke in the hospital four days later. However, zero cognitive and memory issues from that moment on.


Submitted by Bob Trenkamp on 11/10/2017


Two words come to mind:

1. Wow!

2. Hallelujah!

Welcome aboard.


So, what a thrill to hear your story! I am continually amazed at the miracle of life that AED's give! I have been having a lot of thoughts lately about the need to become more trained as a first-aider so that I could confidently use an automated defibrillator if ever called upon in an emergency situation. I was checking for AED's in our local mall, and the good news is I found one. The bad news is the case it was in was sealed and the sign said "skilled responders only". I found that intimidating as far as giving it a try if someone had SCA. Back to CPR class!

I had a severe accident as a youth and was semi-conscious for 3 days--I have never remembered those days, and have just reasoned out a memory connected to the moments just before the accident as best I could. Anyway, all that to say it is many years later and the brain is still working!
Sounds like you are doing fine! Every day is a treasure!
