Posted by mamakitty on 10/26/2015

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how this thing works. I wanted to answer a question about memory after cardiac arrests. But had to register and now don't know where I am, sorry lol


My daughter has a severe TBI and sometimes her memory is better than mine. My neurologist said I too have a tbi from cardiac arrests. I had two. I've also hit my head hard twice yadayadayada but that's another story for another time. Cardiac arrests cause TBI's Traumatic Brain Injury. To what extent? Everyone is different, I've noticed other trouble also: very irritable (hate this one too since I'm taking care of my beautiful daughter with severe TBI and need patience). I fall down. I get to where I can't stay focused or get confused easily. Some of this could be stress and grief of my beautiful daughter's sudden brain injury, (the day my sky fell), at the same time I'm told it's a brain injury caused by cardiac arrests most definitely. So I have a lot on my plate, (that's the tip of the iceberg). I carry over shoulder little pretty brown leather messenger bag for my phone, keys, all my cards, pens, earphones and if I could fit remote in there, I'd get that too haha. But seriously it beats losing all this stuff, literally, every five minutes. I have to write Everything down! I have to put things back right away or will set them down somewhere and then have to search. I'm sick of searching but my two ideas (messenger bag and put things back immediately after use) helps cut the searching down big time. I can sit and draw, be on computer or maybe read mail, and lose something. With out even moving! I can have pad and pen ready to go and I forget what I just thought of to write down. Causes a lot of anxiety. Already medicated over grief of my daughter's TBI, and I fought it but now I'm welcoming it. Doesn't do anything for memory tho. My memory gets so awful it drives me crazy. So whoever wrote and asked if they have memory problems after cardiac arrest, Hell YA! I honestly don't even know if I will remember how to get back in here, and That's with saving it in my bookmarks. So don't feel like the lone ranger. Life isn't what we thought it would be. I was 25, beautiful, beautiful baby, and all I did was "blink." I tell young adults to not blink. Life on life's terms is a hard one to bare, but it is what it is. My memory is a royal pain in the ##@%
Thank you - hope to find you all again...
