Posted by Bob Trenkamp on 11/19/2010

One common "carve out" for compression-only CPR is "Use full CPR on victims of cardiac arrest secondary to respiratory arrest. A study performed at the University of Phoenix was recently published by Ashish R Panchal et al in the peer-reviewed medical journal Circulation. This study showed by analyzing the occasions where compression-only CPR was used accidentally in cases of cardiac arrest secondary to respiratory arrest, "In non-cardiac OHA, survival was similar regardless of whether bystander CPR was provided or what type of CPR was performed (conventional vs. Hands-OnlyTM CPR). Inadvertent provision of Hands-OnlyTM CPR was infrequent in non cardiac OHA and appears to have no negative impact on outcome. These results may reduce the concern that endorsing Hands-OnlyTM CPR may compromise outcome in non-cardiac OHA." CPR just got simpler. 
