Posted by Bob Trenkamp on 12/12/2015

Check out the Fox News report on the parade at ECCU…



Submitted by SCAFoundation on 12/16/2015


The CPR Saves Lives March, organized by Maureen O'Connor, Jim Niskanen and others at the Citizen CPR Foundation, was so powerful not only because it was the first of its kind and because there were so many survivors and rescuers in our midst, but also because it was dedicated to all those who lost their lives to sudden cardiac arrest, and to their loved ones who have had to deal with unspeakable loss.

It was my honor to lead the survivors at the beginning of the march, right behind parade marshall and survivor Rob Hoadley, and the high school band (including his daughter) that set the pace for us.

It is my hope that the march will be one day replicated in other cities, so that more people will come to understand the importance of learning CPR and how to use an AED, and the critical importance of immediate bystander action.

-Mary Newman
