Posted by Bob Trenkamp on 10/17/2015

A heart attack is not the same thing as a cardiac arrest. Heart attack victims normally are able to talk and many are in pain. Cardiac arrest victims are non-responsive, clinically dead, and are not breathing normally – even though they might be gasping.

CPR is not used on heart attack victims. CPR is only used on SCA victims.

CPR does not re-start hearts – It tries to keep the heart muscle and brain alive, and it delays the transition from a shockable rhythm to a non-shockable one. This transition drops your chance of survival seven-fold. It takes an AED to re-start the heart, and sooner is a lot better!

Eighty-five percent of all cardiac arrests occur in a private residence. The witness, if there is one, is usually about the same age as the victim. Heel Compression quadruples the number of people who can perform guideline-compliant chest compression ("GC3’s") for ten minutes.

Your ability to perform GC3’s for ten minutes does not depend upon your strength, it depends upon the stiffness of the victim’s chest, your weight and weight distribution, and the method of chest compression you use.

The three largest flaws in how CPR is performed are: First, "leaning" i.e., leaving too much force on the breastbone at top of the “full recoil" stroke.

Leaning keeps dead people dead. Second, verly rapid chest compression - 120-150 compressions per minute was common in the nearly 400 EMS workers measured. Second. compressions in excess of 120 per minute reduce the probability of victims’ survival. Third, compressions that are too shallow reduce the probability of victims’ survival.

Please watch the video at and check out

Thank you.


Submitted by SCAFoundation on 10/19/2015


Thanks for your insights, Bob. Readers interested in getting an AED for the home should know that the SCA Foundation has recertified AEDs available for $450. For more information, click here.
