Posted by Bob Trenkamp on 04/19/2012

Quick thinking saves the life of a Bixby high school student

By Rick Couri

Not everyone is good in a crisis situation but Monday in Bixby, several were. A student at Bixby high school called 911 after a 15 year old named John collapsed from cardiac arrest. EMSA dispatcher Trent Morris took that call and talked a teacher through the use of an AED. "Luckily Bixby high school has their teachers trained in CPR and AED use and that's what saved that young mans life" trent told us.

The AED did it's job and John's heart responded. He was taken to St Francis hospital where he was in critical condition. Thursday Morris got a rare treat, he met John’s grandmother Barbara Smart. Barbara hugged Trent for what seemed like minutes while she repeated "Thank you Trent, thank you Trent, bless your heart."

Barbara told KRMG that John has had a heart transplant not long after he was born. "He was a baby when he got his first heart, nine months old" she told us. After a long pause she said "this is hard."

John is now at the Arkansas Children's hospital were he is one again on the transplant list. Trent's voice broke with emotion as he talked about the families future "hope for the best for them, glad that he's back on the transplant list and it's looking good for him."

John is on the transplant list again thanks to some fast acting Bixby kids, teachers, and Trent Morris.
